Walk Around the Block and other Lesson Plans
Cube has developed specific Lesson Plans that support Box City and other valuable activities. Walk Around the Block [provided free upon request] is a leading example of building community awareness by walking, looking & recording what one sees. And reporting on that experience in the form of a game or competition only makes it more fun!
Pipe Cleaner People: Thinking about scale, learning about the world. (all ages)
My Flag for the Future: Build a flag of awesomeness. Grades 3-6
The Built Environment: An Integrating Theme. Grades 3-6
City People, City Stories: Who lives in our City? Grades 3-8
Creating a Landmark Calendar: An Enterprise for your School. Grades 5-8
Physics Park: Student designed park. Grades 6-12
Connecting Downtown: Linking pedestrians, cyclists, mass transportation. Grades 3-6
Grid It / Map It: Understanding Neighborhoods and Connections. Grades 4-8
Comparing Edible Communities: Measuring Resources. Grades 6-8
A Visit to Historic Watts Mill: Exploring Our Past. Grades 3-6, 6-12
The Built Environment: Then and Now: A summer camp unit. Grades 3-6